Weekly Announcements

Our New App is LIVE!!
Link to download is below:
iOS and Android

Money Talks 
w/National Bank of Indianapolis!
Representatives from NBOI will be in house to providing coaching and strategies as part of our Dollars and Sense Sunday Sermon Series!
Wednesdays in January
East Campus

Young Adult Mixer
Please join us for fellowship and discussion (ages 18-30)! Meet us upstairs following 11:30am Service!
Sundays 1:30pm - 3:30pm
East Campus 

Upstairs Meeting Room

Iron Men Men's Ministry
with Dr. Kenneth Sullivan, Jr.
Come...and Bring a Brother!

East Campus
Triumph Banquet Hall

Sister Talk Wednesdays!!
Women of God!! Bring your sister/cousin/mother/daughter/neighbor/friend for our new Sister Talk study and fellowship!
East Campus
Main Sanctuary

We can't wait to see you there!!